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The Bride of Christ

End Times

The Bride of Christ

Bob Yandian


In this teaching, we explore the formation of the Bride of Christ—a journey that transforms believers into a glorious church. Many claim we are already the Bride of Christ, but scripture reveals we are not yet fully His bride. Instead, we are in the process of being prepared, fashioned, and cleansed for that future day when we will be presented to Jesus without spot or wrinkle. This journey culminates in the marriage supper of the Lamb, an event we anticipate with great hope.

Using the analogy of marriage, we delve into scriptures, beginning with Ephesians 5 and the first marriage in Genesis. Together, these passages illuminate God’s plan for the church, showing how the bride is being built one individual part at a time.

The Bride to Be

Ephesians 5:27 states, “That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” This verse speaks of a future event where Jesus presents the church, fully purified, to Himself.

At salvation, our spirits are cleansed, and we are justified in God’s eyes. However, the process of sanctification—growing in holiness and maturity—continues throughout our earthly lives. Our spirits are renewed, but our souls and bodies require ongoing sanctification. This progression prepares us for our ultimate union with Christ.

Even after salvation, we still sin. This reality highlights the need for daily confession of sins and growth. God’s desire is that we sin less and live more in alignment with His Word. Yet, we cannot fully cleanse ourselves. This final cleansing will occur at the judgment seat of Christ, as described in 1 Corinthians 3:10–15.

From Salvation to Sanctification

Salvation is the starting point of the Christian journey. When we are born again, our spirits are made perfect, but our souls begin the lifelong process of being renewed through discipleship and obedience to God’s Word.

Jesus emphasized this in John 8:31–32: “If you continue in My Word, then you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship requires continual growth and learning.

God’s ultimate goal is that we grow in holiness—not just in thoughts, but in our daily actions. This transformation is evident when believers resist temptation and walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit. Yet, because we live in fallen bodies, the desire to sin remains a constant challenge.

The Judgment Seat of Christ

The Bible teaches that all believers will stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). This judgment is not for condemnation but for purification. At this time, every work we have done—both good and bad—will be tested by fire.

  • Works done in obedience to the Holy Spirit will be refined as gold, silver, and precious stones.

  • Works driven by fleshly motives will burn up as wood, hay, and straw.

The result of this purification is a church fully prepared to be the Bride of Christ. This process removes all remaining spots, wrinkles, and blemishes, making us holy and blameless before Him.

The First Marriage: Adam and Eve

Genesis 2 provides a prophetic picture of the Bride of Christ. In verses 21–23, God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, took a rib from his side, and made into a woman. This imagery points to Christ and the church:

  1. The Rib: Just as Eve was made from a part of Adam, the church is built from those who are in Christ. At Pentecost, the 120 believers represented the foundation of the church, which has been growing one person at a time ever since.

  2. Building the Woman: Eve was not molded from the earth like Adam but was built piece by piece. Similarly, the church is being constructed over time, with every believer being added as a living stone.

  3. Presentation to Adam: Once Eve was complete, she was presented to Adam as his bride. In the same way, the church will one day be presented to Christ, fully formed and purified.

The Role of the Church Today

Currently, the church serves as the Body of Christ and the family of God. While we are not yet the Bride, we are being fashioned into that role. The church exists to carry out God’s mission on earth, spreading the gospel and demonstrating His love through unity and good works.

The church is diverse, made up of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Unlike the world, which seeks to conform everyone to the same mold, God celebrates individuality. Each believer is unique, fitted together with others to form His spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5).

Walking in Holiness

As believers, we are called to live holy lives, reflecting the character of Christ. The more we walk in obedience to God’s Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, the more we grow in sanctification.

Temptation is a part of life, but yielding to it is a choice. By relying on God’s strength, we can resist sin and walk in victory. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in a way that honors God, transforming our thoughts, actions, and desires.

The Bride’s Final Preparation

The final step in the church’s transformation occurs after the rapture, at the judgment seat of Christ. At this time, every believer will be cleansed of unconfessed sins and purified for the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Revelation 19:6–9 describes this event: “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”

This readiness is the result of God’s refining work. Once complete, we will be presented to Christ as His spotless bride, perfectly reflecting His glory.

Eternity with Christ

After the marriage supper, the Bride of Christ will reign with Him forever. Revelation 21 paints a picture of the New Jerusalem, the eternal home of the church. This city is described as radiant, adorned like a bride for her husband.

In this eternal state, there will be no more sin, sorrow, or death. The church will dwell with Christ in perfect union, fulfilling God’s original design for creation.


While we are not yet the Bride, we have the assurance that God is faithful to complete the work He began in us.

As we live out our faith, let us pursue holiness, resist sin, and walk in obedience to God’s Word. Each day brings us closer to the moment when we will be presented to Christ as a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle, ready to reign with Him for all eternity.

The anticipation of this future reality should inspire us to live with purpose and passion, knowing that our ultimate destiny is to be united with our Savior forever.

Understanding the End Times (Paperback)
Ephesians Commentary (Paperback)
New Testament Commentary Bundle
Sale Price: $124.99 Original Price: $153.91
End Times Video Curriculum (Includes a Copy of the Book)
Ephesians (Flash Drive)
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