TV Expansion

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TV Expansion

October 14, 2022 - Ministry Update and Expansion Project

I want to give you a ministry update of where we're going to at the end of this year, 2022 and the beginning of 2023. Even in the midst of bad times, we're going to expand. We're going to get better because you know what? The Kingdom of God continues to get better, even though the world gets worse and worse.

The Student of the Word broadcast is now on five networks as well as YouTube. We've aired more than 1100 episodes since we began five years ago in 2017, and the response has been tremendous. We have received many testimonies and praise reports. I'm starting to give them on the broadcast now as I start each day.

I have a very short one here from Kyle who said “I went to church all my life every Sunday, being condemned and feeling not worthy, total condemnation. I knew there had to be something that was missing, and I found it in the Student of the Word broadcast.” What a great thing to hear!

In May, my newest book was released, God's Heart for Giving and a weekly video series that teaches through the book. We're hearing great responses from pastors’ who are using the book weekly to teach on giving. I was just at a minister's conference and every copy sold out long before the meeting was over. What a great blessing!

Our Ministers Club videos have also become very popular. In recent months I've interviewed Rick Renner, Annette Capps, Tony Cooke and many others. All of these ministers represent different aspects and call of the Ministry, yet still teaching the importance of the Word of God and the value of it in your life.

Ministers have contacted us to let us know how much encouragement they've received from these videos, and for that reason it is now time to expand again and create even more content to help ministers navigate these times we're living in. That's the end times. And to raise up stable ministers and disciples of Jesus Christ in an unstable world.

We're going to expand our studio set, make more room for more interviews with guest ministers. We're going to purchase a desk system that will allow me to interview up to three guests at a time with a variety of desk and seating setups. We're going to upgrade some of our production equipment, which will help my video crew speed up their processing and further increase the quality of the broadcast. We need to purchase additional lighting, microphones, recorders, and equipment. That will allow us to create even more video content for the Ministers Club.

I could not have reached this level without your help, your faithfulness, and your generosity. I am asking you again to give not only for better quality, but for quantity, more sermons, more teaching, more instruction to help raise up better ministers in a day when ministers seem to be running from responsibility. I would love to see those who are led into God's call with even greater determination to see people saved and discipled.

Even in these end times we are living in, we can say we were born for such a time as this. Would you pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a figure to give? If it's a big figure, then God has a big blessing attached to it.

If He does speak to your heart, be faithful to give it. He'll be faithful to give it back to you and profit you financially in your life and in the work that God's called you to. If He doesn't speak. That's all right. He trusts you to give us you purpose in your heart. Both of these forms are scriptural, and God will bless you with it. I want to thank you in advance for being faithful. Neither God nor you have ever failed me.

I'm standing successful in this call because of the faithfulness of God and the faithfulness of you, my givers, and my partners. You that believe in this ministry. I thank you for it. I want to pray with you. Would you agree with me?

Father, I pray right now, as we expand this ministry, that Father hearts are open already. We're not opening to something that doesn't exist. The need already exists. We're just going to expand this ministry and Father do our part to where people can become more and more disciples doing the things of God. Ministers can become stronger. And Father, I thank you for it. I thank you that also those who are reading or watching right now.  They're going to receive it and you're going to speak to their heart for them to become a part of this. I thank you in advance and they'll be supplied and even more in the name of Jesus. I give you praise. Amen.

I'm not looking at how much it's going to cost. I'm looking at the quality of God, the vision that is placed in front of me and the quality of the givers that he is placed to become part of this ministry.

Thanks for being a faithful partner with me. I could not do it without you!

Yours in Jesus Christ,

Pastor Bob Yandian

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