I believe the coming of Jesus for His Church is very soon. Based on world conditions compared to scriptures, I believe it won’t be long before Jesus returns for us, and the unbelieving world will enter seven years of the Tribulation. But there are many who challenge me on this thought based on our opening scripture which says the end will not come until all nations have heard the gospel.
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In this teaching, we explore the formation of the Bride of Christ—a journey that transforms believers into a glorious church. Many claim we are already the Bride of Christ, but scripture reveals we are not yet fully His bride. Instead, we are in the process of being prepared, fashioned, and cleansed for that future day when we will be presented to Jesus without spot or wrinkle. This journey culminates in the marriage supper of the Lamb, an event we anticipate with great hope.
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In today’s world, we see the signs pointing toward the imminent return of Jesus Christ. There’s so much happening in Israel and globally, and we’re witnessing events that seem to align with biblical prophecy, shaping the world in ways that hint toward a one-world government. Jesus spoke of the days leading up to His return, notably in Matthew 24 and 25, giving specific signs to watch for.
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There are two comings of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Rapture of the Church, and the Second Advent.
The Rapture is private. It is only for believers. The world will not know what is happening. It will happen in a moment. It will happen in the smallest measure of time.
The Second Advent is public.
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Three times Mary and Joseph came to the temple to dedicate and circumcise Jesus on the eighth day by instruction from the Law, the Word of God. Three times Simeon came to see the Messiah child by instruction from the Holy Spirit.
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In this newsletter I want to examine the times we are living in. The national midterm elections did not turn out like many ministers predicted, but it should have been a given. Much of what was being told was out of line with scripture. No Bible authors or prophets, including Jesus, prophesied of the outcome of the United States
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The first time period was perfect – Adam and Eve living in a paradise, the Garden of Eden. Their fall took mankind to its lowest. Since that time each time period of Conscience, Promise, and Law have progressively increased in blessing
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Christian’s today, in the United States, seem to have lost their sense of direction and their spiritual priorities. We want to put conservative leadership back into our city, state, and federal government, but we care little about winning souls. Like the disciples, we don’t want to hear about the reason the Holy Spirit was given.
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Today we are seeing unrest in nations around the globe, economic instability, wars and rumors of wars, moral decline, unusual weather patterns, increase in earthquake activity and other natural disasters, and voices proclaiming impending doom.
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The closing chapters of Revelation describe the events of the Second Coming. It is yet to come, but it is an established fact that Jesus will return to rule and reign in the earth for a thousand years. If God promises His Son will return for a thousand year reign, it will come to pass. We may grow tired of waiting for it to happen, and it may not come to pass in our lifetime, but God always keeps His Word! God is not like man who can change his mind on a whim. When God makes a decree, it will come to pass.
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Every day we should wake up with an anticipation that this could be the day Jesus appears. At the same time, we should have a realization that He may not appear today; therefore we need to remain busy as a witness in the earth.
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And to the messenger of the church in Pergamos write; These things says He who. has the sharp sword with two edges I know your works and where you live, even where Satan's seat is, and you hold fast to my name and have not denied my faith, even in those days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain in front of you,
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To truly understand end times and where we stand as far as the coming of the Lord Jesus, we need to have an understanding of the uniqueness of the Church Age.
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Just imagine the world being perfect in every way with Jesus ruling and reigning. No Satan. No demons. Perfect in every respect and yet, some born during the Millennium will not receive Jesus as their Savior. The Millennium will disprove man’s theory that a perfect environment will cause man to live perfectly before God.
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Every sin mentioned in these verses comes from one root sin, "lovers of themselves.” Notice the one Solomon mentioned, "disobedient to parents.” We are living in a worldwide ME generation, a generation which feels like it is superior to mothers and fathers and all forms of authority.
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When Jesus returns to the earth to set up His kingdom, we know He will bring back the Church and meet up with the redeemed of Israel and the saved of all nations. But what about the sinners who have rejected Him during that time? What will He do with them? How will He handle them?
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There are two “comings” mentioned in the Word of God. The first “coming” is when Jesus comes for the Church at the rapture. The epistles tell us about this event. We, as believers, are waiting in anticipation for that day. It seems that almost daily we are hearing about earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars. The whole earth is reeling and shaking, waiting for its redemption. But that redemption will not occur until the Church has been redeemed! We have not been appointed to wrath and we will miss the day of violence because during the seven years of the Tribulation we will be in heaven with Jesus. During that time, we will be going before the Judgement Seat of Christ. We will not be judged because we are born again and have escaped judgement. Instead, we will be rewarded for the deeds we have done in the flesh.
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There are two mentions of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The first return is for His Church and the second is for the world. Jesus Christ will come to take the Church out of the earth before the time of wrath, which is the Tribulation. The Church will rise to meet Jesus in the air. All believers will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and there we will receive our rewards.
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As earthquakes rock different parts of the world with more frequency, shocks and aftershocks run through the Church with each day’s newscast. We can hold our daily newspaper beside the books of Daniel, Zechariah, Matthew, and Revelation, marveling at the foreknowledge and wisdom of God. We can also be thankful that we know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, rejoicing that we will soon be delivered from Satan’s rule in this Earth.
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There is a knowing, a sense throughout the Body of Christ, that Jesus is coming back very soon. Each day, events in the world point to only one conclusion: Bible prophecies are coming to pass all around us, and we are definitely in the last of the “last days.”
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