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Signs of Jesus’ Coming

End Times

Signs of Jesus’ Coming

Bob Yandian

In today’s world, we see the signs pointing toward the imminent return of Jesus Christ. There’s so much happening in Israel and globally, and we’re witnessing events that seem to align with biblical prophecy, shaping the world in ways that hint toward a one-world government. Jesus spoke of the days leading up to His return, notably in Matthew 24 and 25, giving specific signs to watch for.

In Matthew 24:9, Jesus told His disciples that Israel would face hatred from all nations for His name’s sake. Today, this warning seems more relevant than ever. Israel, a small nation that values democracy and free enterprise, is facing growing opposition. Even nations and institutions that once stood by Israel, like the United Nations, are shifting their stance. Why would so many oppose Israel? The answer goes beyond politics; it’s spiritual warfare. Behind the scenes, Satan, “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), is working to stir up hatred against Israel because Jesus, the ultimate victor over Satan, came from this nation and is promised to return.

Satan’s Influence and the Rise of Antichrist

Currently, Satan influences the world system, which is evident in various sectors, from politics to entertainment. His goal is to bring the world under the control of the Antichrist, his earthly representative. This figure will present himself as a leader of peace but will ultimately aim to destroy Israel and set himself up as the world’s ruler, as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Yet, he is presently restrained by the presence of the church on earth.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Paul warns that the day of the Antichrist will not come until “the departure” occurs first. Most Bible scholars agree this “departure” refers to the rapture, when Jesus will gather His church to Him, removing believers from the earth before the tribulation period. Once the church is taken, the Antichrist will be free to reveal his true intentions. For a brief moment, there will be no Christians on earth, allowing the Antichrist to seize control before 144,000 Jews from the twelve tribes accept Jesus and begin spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:4).

The Importance of Watching for the Signs

Jesus encouraged His followers to recognize the signs of the times, comparing Israel to a fig tree budding in spring (Luke 21:29-32). When Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948, it marked the beginning of the end-time clock. Jesus indicated that the generation witnessing Israel’s rebirth would also witness the fulfillment of all end-time prophecies, including His return.

The church's mission is to stand firm and share the hope of Christ with a world in turmoil. In 2 Timothy 3:10-14, Paul reminds us that godly living will bring persecution, but we must continue steadfastly in the faith, proclaiming the truth even as the world grows more hostile.

Understanding the Rapture and Jesus’ Return

The Bible describes two distinct events: the rapture, where Jesus comes for His church, and the second coming, where He returns with His church to establish His kingdom. At the rapture, Jesus will meet believers in the air, gathering His church to Him (1 Thessalonians 4:17). This moment will be sudden and unmistakable, as believers are “caught up” to be with the Lord forever.

After the rapture, God’s focus will shift back to Israel, fulfilling the final seven years of prophecy given to Daniel, often referred to as “Daniel’s 70th week” (Daniel 9:24-27). This period, known as the tribulation, will be a time of intense judgment and turmoil on earth. The Antichrist will establish a peace treaty with Israel, only to break it halfway through, revealing his true intentions and plunging the world into chaos (Daniel 9:27).

The Role of the Church Before the End

As believers, we’re called to recognize these signs without fear. Jesus told us not to be “soon shaken in mind” or “troubled” by events happening around us (2 Thessalonians 2:2). Instead, we should see these as opportunities to witness, knowing that God has chosen us for “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

While we face “tribulations” in life, this is different from the tribulation period. The current challenges we face as Christians — social opposition, government resistance, and cultural hostility — are a precursor to what’s coming. Jesus warned in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Our trials remind us to rely on God’s strength and share the gospel with those who feel the weight of the world’s brokenness.

The Tribulation and Jesus’ Ultimate Victory

After the rapture, the world will enter a period of unprecedented hardship. Two witnesses, believed to be Moses and Elijah, will prophesy in Jerusalem, displaying miraculous powers that echo their Old Testament ministries (Revelation 11:3-6). They will stand as testimonies to God’s truth, even as the Antichrist works to deceive the nations.

The culmination of this period will be the battle of Armageddon, where Jesus will return to defeat His enemies and establish His millennial kingdom (Revelation 19:11-21). His feet will touch the Mount of Olives, splitting it in two, and He will reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years (Zechariah 14:4). This kingdom will restore creation to its original purpose, fulfilling God’s promises to Israel and establishing justice and peace on earth.

Living in Anticipation

Though we see signs of the end times all around us, the Bible encourages us to remain hopeful and steadfast. Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 4:8 remind us that a “crown of righteousness” awaits those who long for Jesus’ appearing. As we anticipate His return, we are called to live holy lives, sharing His love and truth with those who need it most.

Our hope is anchored in Jesus, who has overcome the world and will soon return to make all things right. Until then, let’s keep our eyes fixed on Him, trusting in His promises, and boldly proclaiming the gospel to a world in need of His peace.

Understanding the End Times (Paperback)
Matthew 24 (MP3s)
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $12.00
End Times Video Curriculum (Includes a Copy of the Book)
Understanding the End Times (MP3s)
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $36.00
Matthew 24 (CDs)
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $24.00
Understanding the End Times (CDs)
Sale Price: $55.00 Original Price: $72.00
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