Books authored by Pastor Bob Yandian
Understanding the End Times (Paperback)
Understanding the End Times (Paperback)
In Understanding the End Times, Pastor Bob points out that while we have every reason to believe Jesus’ coming is imminent, we need to focus on understanding God’s plan for the ages by weaving together biblical prophecies and interpreting world events in light of it.
With straightforward, scriptural teaching, he outlines:
The Rapture of the Church
The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Tribulation
Daniel’s 70th week
The Second Coming
Dispensational truths
The Millennial Reign
End-Time FAQs
Don’t be concerned or confused about what’s ahead. This teaching will make it clear that the Bible does not line up with the world- the world must line up with the Bible. Christian, look up to see that your redemption is closer than ever!
170 Pages