Calling and Separation (Paperback) — Bob Yandian Ministries

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Books authored by Pastor Bob Yandian

Calling and Separation (Paperback)

Calling and Separation (Paperback)


Have you ever wondered why some Christians, who are obviously called and anointed by God for ministry, never seem to move into the realm of success? We watch and wonder as they struggle with frustration, knocking on doors that never open, while others step easily into pulpits and have opportunities knocking at their door. One minister prays for any speaking engagement, while another prays over stacks of invitations, seeking God’s will for which ones he should accept. Why are so many called, but so few chosen?

The moment you were born again, God placed a supernatural key ring in your heart that holds every key you need for success in your Christian life. In this book, Bob Yandian reveals the keys to finding God’s purpose for your life. You will discover how you can

-Find supernatural wisdom and strength
-Prepare to enter into your ministry
-See God’s power miraculously at work
-Have God’s approval
-Know the will of God concerning your life
-Find your eternal reward in heaven

God has a ministry for everyone and He rewards all who are faithful to His call. Find out what God has in store for you!

(Formerly titled: You Have a Ministry)

79 Pages

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