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Do Not Become Your Own Enemy

Bob Yandian

“The greatest way to defeat your enemy is to not become your enemy.” Marcus Aurelius

I am not so much for quoting philosophers, but when they line up with the Word of God, I’ll accept it. What is being said is, you will see the defeat of your enemy if you will not sacrifice your principles. An angry, vengeful and bitter enemy will self-destruct when left alone.

David was consumed by his enemies and early in his life let them get the better of him. He did this by trying to figure them out according to his own standards. He did not understand why Saul, who quoted God’s word to the people and prophesied, did not live by the word. David’s high standards left him naive. “Why is the king trying to kill me? I am a good soldier and I am loyal to Saul.” He finally let Saul get the better of him and ran. He did not come to himself until he ended up in the cave of Adullum and put his safety and reputation back into the hands of God.

In the Psalms, David wrote about the prosperity God gives his people who trust Him, but he was still angry and confused over, “why do the wicked prosper?” At another time a close friend turned against David and left him wondering “why did my best friend raise his heel against me?”

We have all been there and could spend time discussing friends who turned on us, Christian business leaders who took advantage of us or friends at church who years ago became angry, left church and no longer even attend. We all get caught up in the trap of wondering why people are not as sold out to the Lord and to righteous living as we are. This is not conceit or arrogance on our part, it is simply immaturity to measure others by our own lives. It is before the Lord we all stand or fall.

Revenge is Useless

“Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

Revenge will eat you up and leave you bitter. This is because you were not designed to handle revenge. It belongs to the Lord. By personally taking revenge, you take the issue out of God’s hands and put it into your own. God’s arms are folded over an issue He can handle much better than you.

When you give your problems to the Lord, you turn loose of them. You can live your life and know God will take care of your situation.

One of the greatest ways to place anger on your enemy is to treat your problems with apathy. “I don’t care. I’ll let God settle the care.” If the problem is in God’s hands, your enemies cannot provoke you. When God is in control, you are at peace. To not think of your enemy is a great weapon. To ponder the problem over and over again means your offender is controlling you.

There is a famous story of the healing evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth. While at home in bed one night, he heard a creaking noise from his first floor and went down to see what the problem was. When he was halfway down the stairs, he saw Satan in his own rocking chair, staring at Smith. Smith simply said, “Oh, it’s just you” and walked back up the stairs and went to bed. Satan is your greatest enemy and the sworn enemy of God. Can you turn Satan over to God? Can you realize you don’t have to be consumed with him? God will take care of Satan. Even God must look at Satan and say, “oh, it’s just you.” The devil is on a path of self-destruction and needs no one’s help

Bring Me God’s Word

“Bring the cloak I left with Carpus at Troas when you come and the books, especially the parchments. Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works. You also must beware of him for he has greatly resisted our words. At my first defence no one stood with me, but all forsook me. May it not be charged against them.” (2 Timothy 4:13-16)

Paul ran into great problems with Alexander the coppersmith and many of his personal friends deserted him. Some were even members of his ministry team. But in each case, he turned them over to the Lord so he could continue with the issues at hand, going to jail, his coat to stay warm, his need of the books already written and parchments of unfinished letters to the churches. In other words, Paul could have sat in prison consumed with and bewildered over personal friends who had deserted him, enemies who tried to destroy him and ministers who even left serving the Lord. He mentioned them but reminded Timothy of the most important issues, the word of God and the few remaining days of ministry he still had. “Let God handle those who hurt me, and may it not be charged against them.” In other words, “I pray they will repent.”

Jesus’ Answer Toward Our Enemies

If you think you have problems, Jesus had more. The same is true with David in the Old Testament and Paul in the New. Have friends forsaken you? All of Jesus’ friends and disciples forsook Him when He went to the cross. Only John came back. At first, great multitudes followed Jesus to hear His sermons. Then they deserted Him by the multitudes when His teachings became more difficult and demanding. Instead of looking for a group hug from His disciples, he asked them, “will you forsake me too?” They did not forsake Him then, but they did at His arrest.

What was Jesus’ answer for us toward our enemies and those who betray us? He told us to pray for them.

“I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for them who despitefully use and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)

Jesus prayed from the cross for the soldiers who nailed Him there. “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” Even in death, Jesus knew the power of prayer. The hands that could not be laid on the sick were nailed to the cross. The feet that used to walk down the roads were also nailed. Jesus could do no good works, but He could pray. And His prayer was for those who were killing the Son of God.

It is recorded in ancient history that those who were nailed to crosses, screamed out and cursed those who crucified them and then cursed God. But Jesus was silent toward those who beat and crucified Him. What a great example Jesus left us in turning the problem over to His Father, “into your hands I commit my spirit,” and even prayed for those who were killing Him. 

Was Jesus’ prayer for the soldiers answered? Yes. One of the guards who crucified Jesus, said of Him after Jesus died, “truly this was the Son of God.” He became a believer and we will meet him one day in heaven. Pray for your enemies and trust God for them to repent. It could even happen after you are gone.

Prayer is your means of turning loose of the anger and bitterness that can so easily creep in when someone turns on you and betrays you. If God took care of Jesus and raised Him from the dead and seated Him in heaven with Him, God can turn your situation around and avenge you of your enemies.

Overcoming Yourself (MP3s)
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Questions of Suffering

Bob Yandian

The opposition of people, believers, and unbelievers, who condemn us. Our true enemy is Satan and our deliverer is God. This verse says, who has the right to judge? To judge you must be in a position to do so. Judges sit in high places. Only one person has the right to spiritual judgment, Jesus Christ. He purchased that right through death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and seating at the right hand of God.

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Rest on the Promises

Bob Yandian

What we as Christians must rest on daily is the promises given to us by God in the word. David said it so plainly, today if you hear His voice. Today is the day to quit hardening your heart, believe God’s promise and rest on it. You do not enter a new situation and find rest. You take your rest with you into the new situation.

You can find rest in the worst situations. Rest does not come from what you experience, but from what you know. Paul told the Corinthians, “Therefore we are always confident, knowing…” (2 Corinthians 5:6). Knowledge produces confidence. Confidence is another term for resting on what God has told us. In fact, as Paul told us, we can have confidence always.

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How To Handle Depression

Bob Yandian

Many don't go to the Word until the time of crisis comes, and that's not the way to win in this life.

You don't prepare for war when you are being attacked. you prepare for war when there is peace so that when you are attacked you will be strong.

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Do Not Fear

Bob Yandian

God has given us some answers for the days in which we live. First, DO NOT FEAR. Jesus said, “Do not fear. Do not let your heart be troubled.” Why? Because fear is a choice; you can either embrace it or reject it. If fear is a choice, so is faith and so is peace. The Word of God is simply telling us not to fear and instead, to choose faith and peace.

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Truth That Transforms

Bob Yandian

God sees you as already perfect and complete in Christ. Once you are born again, you have God’s approval! He loves you!! You are acceptable to Him, not because of what you have done, but because of what Jesus has done for you.

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The Other You

Bob Yandian

God’s grace at salvation was for permanent and immediate change. The more grace God gives is for and continued and progressive change. Grace at salvation is given for relationship with God. Grace after salvation is given for spiritual strength and continued fellowship with God.

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An Old Man's Advice for Troubled Times

Bob Yandian

David’s word to the young believer and minister then and now is, “chill, it will be alright.” Not only will the believer be alright, David adds, “or his offspring begging bread.”  You do not need to be concerned about your children. Despite the economy, government, liberal world control or Satan himself, your children will be protected and provided for by the same God who will not forsake you.  The entire Psalm is advice and encouragement to young believers by an old man’s reflection on God’s grace and care.

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Dealing With Feelings

Bob Yandian

Emotions are the spice of life!  They do not add substance to life, but they flavor it with excitement and enjoyment.  And, just like spices, they do not sustain life, but add flavor to life’s experiences. We have the same authority over emotional sins as we have over sins of the tongue and actual deeds.  We can choose our emotions.

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God and the Businessman

Bob Yandian

One of the great hazards of the Christian businessman is to forget the great blessings God has given which led to the formation and opening of the business. And, to think it was his own wisdom and intuition that built the business to what it is today. God loves to get involved in the life and decision making of business leaders. God originated business and the first businessman in the word was Adam.

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Man's Purpose on Earth

Bob Yandian

What is the purpose of man on the earth today? Paul says in verse 10 of Ephesians 3, “To the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.” Why are we on the earth today? Our purpose is to display the wisdom of God to Satan and the principalities and powers. God does not go directly to Satan and show him His wisdom, He points to us.

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Would Others Follow Your Example?

Bob Yandian

You may not feel like you have any attributes Jesus Himself would want to follow. But what about other Christians around you? Do others look at your life and say, “I would like to be a Christian like him?” If they were praying for a natural example to respect and follow, would the Lord impress them to follow you?

 And what about your own family? Have you been an example to your mate and children? Could your sons and daughters be known as “pleasers” of the Lord?

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How to Never Fail

Bob Yandian

How would you like to live a life where you never fall? How would you like to set this as your daily goal and fulfill it by the end of the day? You can. Set you goal high. God will be proud of you. If you fail to hit your goal, repent, get back up and keep on going. Every hero of faith failed but got back up.

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Change Has a Purpose

Bob Yandian

God sees each time period as beautiful and leading to an even more beautiful destination. Why would it be different in our own lives? How dramatic would the effect be on our own life if we looked at change as beautiful and leading toward the ultimate plan of God for our earthly life and eternity? Every change leads us toward a brighter day, bringing us to His expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).

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A Prayer for Strength

Bob Yandian

Becoming strong in the Lord begins with our decision to do our part in becoming spiritually strong. God commands us to become strong, do what we must to allow His strength to grow. He does not want us to ask Him to make us strong. Strength has already been provided.

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Faith in the Wilderness

Bob Yandian

Mix It with Faith

There were three problems the Israelites had which led to their death and failure to enter Canaan. First, a failure to mix God’s promises with faith, second, a failure to rest on the promises and third, the resulting hardness of heart they developed toward God Himself. 

The first failure of Israel in the wilderness was not mixing the promises of God given to them for the past four hundred years with faith. From the time of Abraham and for generations following, God gave the Israelites promises of deliverance from Egypt and promises for a future home in Canaan, the land of abundance. Yet, even though the Jews knew the promises by heart, they did not mix them with faith. Instead, they acted in fear and unbelief toward God’s word to them.

James warned us as New Testament believers that being a hearer of the word is not enough. It is not a guarantee of success. We must be doers of the word, or act in faith on what God has told us in His word (James 1:22).

Application of the word of God to life’s problems brings success. You cannot look at a promise in the Bible and expect God to fulfill it if you do nothing.

Rest on the Promises

Whether you like it or not, conflicts in life will come. Whether you are resting on God’s promises or griping and complaining about your life, storms will come. The griping and complaining Christian will probably not come through the problem successfully, stronger and more mature. The one who rests on the promises will end up on the other side of the situation with increased peace, maturity and stability.

God never said we would not have storms in life. But He did promise to bring us through them. Jesus might have known a storm was coming. He might not have known. Yet, it did not matter. The promise had been given.

The greatest gift God can give you is His promise. It is His guarantee that you will be fine and taken care of. Jesus stood up and rebuked the storm for the disbelieving and worried disciples. Jesus then rebuked their unbelief and told them they possessed little faith. Think of the comparison. Jesus had great faith and they had small faith. Jesus slept, and they feared. When awakened, Jesus rebuked the storm and stopped it in response to their fears. Sometimes, it is a demonstration of greater faith to sleep through a storm than rebuke it. Jesus showed us the value of resting on a promise given.

You can find rest in the worst situations. Rest does not come from what you experience, but from what you know. Paul told the Corinthians, “Therefore we are always confident, knowing…” (2 Corinthians 5:6). Knowledge produces confidence. Confidence is another term for resting on what God has told us.

Hardness of Heart is a Choice

While it is said: (Psalm 95:8) “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion” (at Meribah). For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses? Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness? And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? So, we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.  (Hebrews 3:15-19)

The writer of Hebrews quotes the writer of Psalms and tells us hardness of heart is a choice, “Harden not your heart.” It is often the choice we make after the choice of unbelief toward God. Israel could not enter Canaan because of unbelief. Unbelief led them to hardness of heart.  When you fail to believe God’s promises, you begin to move toward hardness of heart. Faith always has a vision and looks forward. Unbelief has no vision and finds its comfort in the past.

Here is something interesting. The second generation followed the first generation in refusing to mix God’s promises with faith. They also followed the first generation in refusing to rest on God’s promises. Both generations came to the point of unbelief. Yet, the second generation chose not to harden their hearts against God. Recovery is one decision away. The second Meribah incident was the fork in the road, the parting of the ways. The first generation hardened their hearts. The second did not.

The Promises of God

Someone said there are over seven thousand promises in the Bible. If the promise is in the Old Testament, it has not lost its power. A New Testament promise is as real today as it was in the day it was given.

What is your current storm?  Are you struggling financially?  Physically?  The list of life’s problems could go on and on.  Here’s the good news.  God has provided promises for whatever you need.  For your finances Philippians 4:19, “But my God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  Health? Matthew 8:17 “He, Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sickness.”

You can learn from the failure of the Israelites. First, find a promise and mix it with your faith. Second, rest on the promise, knowing the God who declared it has already accomplished it and will cause it to come to pass.

“Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.”  (Psalm 116:7)

Faith in the Wilderness (MP3's)
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Faith in the Wilderness (CDs)
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Proving the Perfect Will of God

Bob Yandian

The Word of God is consistent.  It revolves around the same principle throughout.  It is the same whether it be for healing, finances, salvation or anything we receive from God.  You may say you are not going to believe it until you see it or feel it.  You need to get it down on the inside of you that you do not believe with your eyes.  Your eyes are made to see with, not believe.  Your ears are made to hear with, not to believe with.  Your hands are made to feel with, not to believe with.  YOur mind is made to think with, not to believe with.

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Royal Representatives: A Calling We All Possess

Bob Yandian

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.  (2 Corinthians 5:20)

There are certain ministries we have as individuals.  Some are called to pastor or teach (Ephesians 4:11) while others are used by God as helpers, givers and exhorters (Romans 12:6-8).  Our unique offices make us a powerful team called the body of Christ.  

Yet, there are ministries we all have without exception.  In First Peter 2:9 we are all said to be “a chosen generation.”  God has hand selected us above all generations and time periods which ever existed.  We are also called “a royal priesthood.”  Each and every believer is a priest in the royal family of God. Thank God, we no longer must go to a man in this earth to confess our sins and get right with God.  We can all go to Jesus, our great High Priest, for ourselves. Finally, we are all called to be witnesses for the Lord Jesus to give the gospel to everyone (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8).   We may not all be evangelists, but we are all called into evangelism.  We can all expect the power of the Holy Spirit to be present to lead others to the Lord.  This is not a job to be passed off to the pastor or missionary, we all have the responsibility of telling the “good news” of Jesus.

What is an Ambassador?

Another term for a “witness” for the Lord Jesus, is an ambassador.  As ambassadors, we are royal representatives in this earth for the Lord Jesus.  We now stand in His place, in His absence, to tell others of the gospel of reconciliation, God’s message of peace. Let’s take a look at the profile of an ambassador:

1.  An ambassador is a high-ranking minister of state chosen of royalty, sent to another state to represent his own country.  We are all members of the royal family of God.  We joined this family when we received the Lord Jesus as our savior.  There is no higher family in the universe and no greater royalty than God’s family.  We are chosen from the best family to represent the Lord Jesus in this earth.

2.  An ambassador does not appoint himself.  The king or president of his home country is the one who chooses the ambassador.  We did not choose ourselves to represent the Lord Jesus, God the Father chose us.  If God chose us, He must have faith in us.  He also must know we can do the job.  He has supplied us with the message of the gospel and the power to accomplish our task.

3.  An ambassador is not a citizen of the country he is in, but of the country, he is from.  In other words, an ambassador is in the country, but not of it.  We also are in the world, but not of it.  Philippians 3:20 says “...our conversation is in heaven...”  The Greek says our citizenship is in heaven.  The moment we became born again, our citizenship was changed from this world to heaven.  One day we will get to go to the country we are now from, heaven. 

4.  An ambassador does not support himself.  An ambassador does not live off the economy of the country he is in, he lives off the economy of the country he is from.  He is not worried about his own needs when the local economy is tight, his needs are supplied from home.  Philippians 4:19 tells us “But my God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  This should give a whole new meaning to “take no thought for (don’t worry about) tomorrow”.  We know the economy of our home country is secure and God’s riches will never be depleted.  Our needs are not supplied according to Wall Street, or the First National Bank.  If our country went into a depression, God would still supply for us as He does for the birds (Matthew 6:25,26).  The animals of the earth are not connected to our economy.  Birds never even knew we had a depression in the 1930’s.  We never read of birds committing suicide over the stock averages falling.  Why then should we worry?  Are we not more valuable than birds to God?   After all, we are His ambassadors.

5.  Ambassador’s instructions are always in written form, so he has no doubt as to what he should do.  We have the scriptures of the word of God.  The only way the world or Satan can deceive us, is when we are ignorant of our rights.  We need to study the word and stay current on our daily instructions.

6.  Ambassadors do not live off the laws of the country they are in, but the laws of the country they are from.  In most cases the laws from both countries will be the same.  Yet there may come a time when the laws will differ.  The ambassador is obliged to honor the laws of his home over the country he is in.  In this case, he is free from prosecution.  He can claim diplomatic immunity.  When the world or Satan tell us we have to accept their worry, sickness, sin, immorality or religious philosophy, we can claim diplomatic immunity.  Our written instructions tell us “No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling” (Psalm 91:10).  There are seven thousand such promises in the word of God.  This is another good reason to stay current with our written instructions, so we can have daily success.

7.  An ambassador does not live in the country for his own personal interests. He does not treat any insult to himself as personal.  This is our function, to represent Jesus Christ and hold no grudges.  God will be our defense and He will vindicate His ambassadors.  The apostle Paul called himself “an ambassador in bonds (chains)” (Ephesians 6:20).  He left his deliverance in the hands of the Lord, His king and master.  We are God’s prize possession, the apple of His eye. To touch us is to touch Him (Matthew 25:45).  

8.  When one nation declares war on another nation, the first ones removed are the ambassadors.   In fact, the recall of ambassadors constitutes a declaration of war.  You never bomb your ambassadors with the enemy.  Ambassadors, good or bad, are brought back and dealt with at home.  One day, the trumpet of God will sound, and the ambassadors will be recalled.  Satan knows what this means.  God has declared war on a Christ rejecting world.  All ambassadors will be taken to heaven where we will all go through the Judgment Seat of Christ (Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:9,10).   It is there we will be rewarded for our witness for Jesus, our ambassadorship in the earth.

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