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Christian Living

Filtering by Category: Christian Living

Tuning Out the World

Bob Yandian

Do you know how to tune out the noise of the world and tune into the voice of God? Imagine the ability to take the distractions of life, lower their volume, and simultaneously raise the clarity of what God is speaking to your heart.

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Breaking the Hold of Bitterness

Bob Yandian

Over the long run, our determination to remain free from bitterness or any other sin must come from the promises of God's Word. The Holy Spirit draws from our knowledge of the Scriptures to help us make daily decisions to forgive.  Our spiritual vision becomes sharpened by each promise, and we are able to detect when Satan tempts us to fall into bitterness again.

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Trusting God When You Don't Have All the Answers

Bob Yandian

Don’t give up on God because He has promised He will come through for you. He is faithful. He is dependable. If you don’t have the answers you are seeking, remember He promised that those things that are hidden will be revealed. In other words, those things you don’t understand right now will be brought to the light one day. Then you will understand and be glad you continued to follow the One Who is faithful, the One Who can be trusted, the One Who has the answers, the One Who has given us everything we will ever need in this lifetime!

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Honoring God

Bob Yandian

Jesus wanted Paul to be saved, then to be an example to all who would desire to follow the Lord after salvation. No one can think of themselves so evil or immoral that God could not save them. Paul’s testimony then becomes a witness to us of God’s grace. God saw in Paul a standard for all Christians later. Paul is our example of salvation “to the uttermost.” If God could work with Paul, there is hope for us.

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Maintaining Your Joy

Bob Yandian

The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. When we are operating in joy, the Holy Spirit becomes our strength and we can mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. 

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How God Looks at Our Problems

Bob Yandian

There are two viewpoints in this life. The first is the human viewpoint, which looks at circumstances through our own natural mind, our own natural understanding, and with our own natural wisdom. The second viewpoint is the divine viewpoint. This is looking at trials, troubles, and tribulations through the eyes of God, through the Word of God, through the promises of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible reveals that human viewpoint is always at war with divine viewpoint.

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Know the Word of God

Bob Yandian

Many churches, today, are not preaching or teaching the word of God. Some Scripture will be mentioned, or these pastors will teach around Scripture. They will use themselves as an object or talk about things that have happened in their life and some Scripture will be mentioned.

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Victory in Adversity

Bob Yandian

God is not the source of suffering. He does not send temptations, trials, and afflictions into our lives. James 1:13 tells us, “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.”

Rather, God is the One Who sends the relief and the power to rebuild. 2 Peter 2:9 says, “The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations.” And God’s power to rebuild is always greater than the power of destruction.

So what is the source of suffering? There is no suffering where there is no sin. There are three sources of suffering in a Christians’ life on earth: Satan, others, and ourselves. All three are a result of original sin in the Garden of Eden.

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A Love-Hate Relationship

Bob Yandian

This verse is part of two chapters dedicated to the resurrection and ascension ceremony given for Jesus by the Father as He sat down to become the head and High Priest of the Church. The theme of Hebrews chapters one and two is the superiority of the humanity of Jesus over angels.

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No Longer Two

Bob Yandian

On the cross we died together.  When He took my sin, we were one in sin. When He was buried, I was buried with Him. When He was quickened, or made alive, I was made alive with Him. When He was resurrected from the dead, I rose with Him in newness of life. And when He sat down at the right hand of the Father, I sat down with Him to rule and reign in life over Satan, demons and circumstances.

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Are You a Plodder?

Bob Yandian

A faithful person is a plodder.  A plodder keeps moving each day, driven by the Word of God and the personal integrity in their heart.  We are told we will reap in due season if we don’t faint.  A plodder is one who will not faint.  He never has and never will give up.  Unlike many others, he does not gain great amounts of ground at one time.  Yet, when others have given up, thrown in the towel, the plodder is still going.

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Sins and Trespasses

Bob Yandian

The difference between a sin and unrighteousness is knowing what we have done, what we have committed. A sin is something we know we have done, a known sin. Unrighteousness is committed in ignorance, an unknown sin. Since we cannot confess an unknown sin, we did not know it was a sin when we committed it, it is not held against us.

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Liberating Your Faith

Bob Yandian

How much faith do you need to meet your needs? The biggest miracle you ever received and will ever receive is the new birth. The little amount of faith you used to believe in Jesus as your Lord, moved you from Satan’s kingdom into God’s, from spiritual death into eternal life, and from satanic darkness into the kingdom of light.

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