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He First Told His Brother

Christian Living

He First Told His Brother

Bob Yandian

“One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.  He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.

Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas” (which is translated, A Stone).”

Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and on this particular day, John introduced his followers to Jesus, by saying, behold the Lamb of God. Andrew left John and followed Jesus to his home. He spent an evening with Jesus, then left to find his brother and tell him about finding the Messiah.

A Changed Life

Andrew and Peter were fishermen and probably led very rough lives. Their language and personalities reflected the danger of their life-threatening job. What Peter probably noticed first was the dramatic change in his brother.  After seeing the change, he found out it came because Andrew met the Messiah Israel had been waiting for. So strong was the change, Peter went with his brother to find Jesus. What Jesus told Peter was quite radical. Not only had Andrew changed, Peter would change too. He would go from an emotional, wide swing, up and down and in and out man to a rock which would be immovable. This came to pass in the later years of Peter's life as he became a pastor to other pastors (1 Peter 5:1). Jesus is in the life changing business and Andrew used this to win his brother to the Lord.

Where Does Soul Winning Begin?

Andrew first told his brother about Jesus. This is where we begin our fulfillment of the Great Commission. Our "Jerusalem and Judea" begins with our own family. Who else could better see the great change in our lives except those who have been with us since we were children? Like Peter, the dramatic change catches a family's attention. Family evangelism has been around as long as the gospel has been preached.

 The God of Abraham became the God of Sarah, then Isaac, Jacob and the twelve sons. The God of Moses became the God of his brother Aaron and his sister Miriam. Mary probably led her sister Martha to salvation and then her brother Lazarus.

 When Paul went on his missionary journey to Philippi, he led Lydia to the Lord and her family received Jesus that day and were baptized. The same happened with the Philippian jailer and his family the day he gave his life to the Lord. Paul told him to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and he would be saved and his family” (Acts 16:33).

 When Rahab told the two spies she had accepted their God, her family was delivered with her in the destruction of Jericho. Joshua told Israel, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." And, Paul told the Corinthians, a believing wife can sanctify her family, greatly assisting them to receive the Lord.

What Did Andrew Say To Peter?

Andrew's invitation to Peter was so simple.  He did not give Peter a theological sermon or invite him to church. Neither one of these two is wrong, but Andrew's simplicity deserves our attention.  He told Peter, he had found the Messiah. Seeing the change in Andrew and hearing Who it was that changed him, drove Peter to find out for himself.

Most of what was shared with others about salvation was just as simple.  Some phrase in the New Testament used in witnessing are, "we have handled Him", "we have heard and seen him", "come see a man that told me everything I have done.” A changed life and a simple message seem to be the method of bringing most people to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Throw away your theological plan for soul-winning and use your testimony.

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