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Bible Topics

Filtering by Category: Bible Topic

Jurassic Earth

Bob Yandian

Did dinosaurs really exist? When did they live? Did they roam through the garden of Eden? Did Adam have to name them? Are they extinct today because Noah could not fit them on the ark? If the earth is only six thousand years old, how can science tell us these creatures are millions of years old? Can science be trusted?

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The Power in a Seed

Bob Yandian

We want our tithes and offerings to have eternal value, so how do we bring the life of the Holy Spirit into our giving?  Throughout the Word of God, giving is compared to sowing seed.  For example, in 2 Corinthians 9:6 it says, “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”

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Leaving This Life on Earth is Inevitable

Bob Yandian

Solomon was in a state of carnality when he wrote the book of Ecclesiastes.  It wasn’t until this last chapter that he recovered his spiritual common sense. After years of looking for happiness outside of his relationship with God, he made the deduction that it is best to serve the Lord from your youth and not reach the end of life filled with feelings of bitterness.

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Angels and the Church

Bob Yandian

Angels cannot be numbered. And these mentioned in our text are the elect angels who form two thirds of the angels created. The other third of the angels fell with Lucifer at his rebellion (Revelation 12:4) and are bound in chains today under the earth (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6).

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Convicting Grace

Bob Yandian

We have seen how receiving the grace of God transforms a person’s life in an amazing way, bringing them from lonely exile into the palace of the King. This initial type of grace, the grace that brings salvation, is known as “convicting grace.” This is where it all begins: each of us starts our new life in Christ by receiving convicting grace.

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Examine the Sacrifice

Bob Yandian

 After examining the sacrifice for three days, the person brought the sacrifice to the priest to be examined.  The person examined the sacrifice and the priest examined the sacrifice. The priest did not examine the person.  

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The Pastor’s Greatest Asset

Bob Yandian

Some pastors get the idea they have the power in the church. In reality, the people are the true power of the church. God can very easily replace pastors, but it is more difficult to replace whole congregations! Many congregations have continued to exist for long periods of time without a pastor, but no church can exist without a congregation.

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How Were People Saved in the Old Testament?

Bob Yandian

By grace through faith is how people are saved today. But how were they saved in the Old Testament? This is one of my favorite questions to ask a new group of Bible School students. The answer is, in most cases, one of two. Those in the Old Testament were saved by keeping the law or by animal sacrifices. Nether Jews nor Gentiles were ever saved by the law or sacrifices, though God gave both.

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A Church United

Bob Yandian

“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” (Romans 12:4-5)

All believers have personal and doctrinal differences. Yet, God sees us united in the one body of His Son. God desires us to love each other as we love ourselves.

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The Volume of the Book

Bob Yandian

I consider this to be the greatest Christmas passage in scripture. Here Jesus is speaking, and I want you to notice what He said. It says in verse five, "Therefore, when he came into the world," this is when He came into the manger, this is when He became a human being. He's been to the earth many times as the angel of the Lord, as the rock, as the cloud that overshadowed the children of Israel. He was the burning bush that spoke to Moses. He came in so many ways, but in those cases, He always came and then He left. But when He came into a human body, He remained, and still remains in a human body today. It's a resurrected body, but once He took on a human body it would be forever.

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Our Exceeding Great Reward

Bob Yandian

If the firstfruits or tithe belong to the Lord, why doesn’t He just keep it in the first place? Why does He bless us and ask us to give a tenth back to Him? Because the Lord says to honor Him with the firstfruits of all our increase (Proverbs 3:9), and there is no show of honor if we don’t give to Him. If the Lord just kept ten percent of our income, there would be no honor for Him to receive. He loves to see us succeed and prosper, but He loves it even more when, of our own free will, we give back to Him.

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Would You Like A Free Ferrari?

Bob Yandian

The two words that say it all are grace and faith. If you will notice in this well-known verse of scripture, grace comes before faith. Grace is God’s hand reaching out to you filled with “…all the things that pertain to life and godliness…” (2 Peter 1:3). Faith is our empty hand reaching out to receive what God is giving us in grace.

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Our Glorification

Bob Yandian

God’s Plan for Us “In Christ”

The blessings we possess at the point of salvation were provided for us before the foundation of the world. All of our blessings were planned before we were here and given to Christ. He held them for us until the day we accepted Him and were “in Christ.”  He did not need redemption, eternal life, an inheritance, or glorification, we did. He was simply chosen by God as our representative.

We possess nothing on our own but share all our blessings with Christ. Only because we are “in Him” do we have any blessing from God. This is the theme of the first chapter of Ephesians. Verses 1-14 form the longest single sentence in the New Testament. Each verse tells us what God did for us before the foundation of the world.  God gave them to His Son to hold until the day we became one with Him.

Ephesians 1:3 says, “…who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world…”  Verse 6 “He made us accepted in the Beloved.”  Verse 7, “…In Him we have redemption.” Verse 11, “…In Him also we have obtained an inheritance.”

God Planned All of This for Us Before We Were Created

In the Garden of Eden, God created and made everything in six days and then made man at the end of the sixth day. Everything was made and prepared for man before he was ever placed in the Garden. Man could not add one thing to God’s completed plan. This is grace.

You are probably wondering why God did not make man first or at least before the last day. It was so man could not help. Grace is God creating a perfect plan and faith is man receiving that perfect plan. God anticipated every need man could have before putting him on earth. Long before man ever faced a problem, God made every answer.

God’s Redemption Plan Was Complete Before the World’s Foundation

It is the same with redemption. Millions of years before Lucifer or Adam fell, God planned every answer for every problem. God was not taken by surprise when His highest-ranking angel fell and became Satan. He was not surprised when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit. God cannot be surprised. He knows everything. He is omniscient. Because He is omniscient, He created a plan for every sin and failing of angels or man.

Once Jesus went to the cross and accomplished God’s plan for man’s redemption, He will never have to go back to the cross to redeem us from a sin God did not know about, forget or anticipate. “Christ dies no more” (Romans 6:9). God’s plan was and is complete. What has happened to us since we believed on Christ, what happens to us daily and what will happen to us into our future and eternity is already complete.

In fact, God sees His plan as complete in our life no matter how far from now it is. God is assured today we will be with Him and Jesus in heaven ten million years from now. In fact, He saw us “in Christ”, equipped for every problem and obstacle we would ever face before He created anything, including angels, heaven, earth, Adam or us. Every plan God had for angels, Satan, Adam, or us was based on His foreknowledge. Because He knew what would happen, He made His plans. Nothing can happen to us God has not already foreseen and planned for. Before temptations came, God made a way of escape. Our answers were here before our problems existed. And, our problems are temporary. Our answers are eternal.

I Am Already Glorified

“For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover, whom He predestined, them He also called; whom He called, them He also justified; and whom He justified, them He also glorified.” (Romans 8:29, 30)

It is called “predestination” because all of God’s answers for my life are based on His foreknowledge. His plan for my destiny was created before the foundation of the world.  God not only knew I would receive His Son, Jesus, He foresaw it happen and planned for success in my life every day. This is also why he chose or “elected” me (1 Peter 1:2). He chose me because He knew I would choose Him.

According to our verse here in Romans 8, He also saw me justified and glorified. I am presently justified, but glorification is yet to come. Yet, glorification, like all the other blessings listed, is in the past tense. God already sees me glorified and has since His plan was created. My resurrection body and home in heaven for eternity is more than a guarantee, it is an accomplished fact. So much so, that God already sees me in heaven now.  Because I am in Christ, I can be just as sure I will be in Heaven as I am sure Jesus is already there.

Because of God’s foreknowledge and eternally settled plan, it was possible for God to tell Old Testament saints their sins were remitted before Jesus had come to die and bring them salvation.

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return to the Lord and he will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:7)

Everything in all these verses comes to us from God’s grace including glorification, our resurrection body. We cannot even imagine God’s grace. We can only accept it.

God’s Plan for Eternity Brings Us Comfort Today

Romans 8:30 does not say, “He will glorify those He has justified.” But it says, “Whom He has justified (past tense), them He also glorified (past tense).”

We do not have to live our life wondering if God will keep His word. He has not only accomplished what He has given to us but also what will be given.

Again, because we are in Christ and Christ is in heaven, we can be just as sure we will be in Heaven as we are sure Jesus is already there.

How does this bring comfort to us today? If God sees me already in heaven and in a resurrection body, then I must be going to make it through my present problem. In fact, I will not only make it through this problem, but everyone after this. If God sees me past the finish line, that’s how I need to see myself.

What Does A Redeemed Body Look Like?

John says, “…it has not yet been revealed what we shall be” (1 John 3:2).  You cannot look at your present body and even imagine what your resurrection body will be like. Many who saw Jesus after His resurrection did not recognize Him immediately. By looking at scripture we can see glimpses of our resurrection body. “So is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body (us) and there is a spiritual body (Jesus).  (1 Corinthians 15:42-44)

Our resurrection body is a reaping of a natural body sown into the dust of the ground. In every case we see our body is sown first then raised in harvest time. All believers will die, except for those living at the time of the resurrection. But we will all be harvested at the same time, at the rapture of the Church. At that time our natural body will become a spiritual body, incorruptible, glorious and powerful. It will permanently replace our physical body. Though it is presently made of unredeemed and cursed dust, it is still the temple of the Holy Spirit.

A Unique Position

In Resurrection, we will be given a unique position higher than Old Testament saints.  No man or angel has ever had a position like we will have in eternity. The Church Age is unique to all ages before it. We live in a time the prophets could only see glimpses of and angels desire to see and understand what we know and often take for granted.

You have made him a little lower than the angels, You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish that pass through the paths of the seas (Psalm 8:5-8).  According to Psalm 8, Adam was a creation unlike anything before him with a unique position under God, over angels and over creation.

Our glorified state will be greater than that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It will also be greater than any Old Testament saint. Even the greatest of the prophets were servants in God’s house. But Jesus and those who are born again are sons in God’s house (Hebrews 3:5,6).

Adam and Eve were never family, but servants in the house of God. They were not, and are not, seated with God on His throne. Adam and Eve were never “in Christ”.

All Old Testament saints were forgiven of their sins and accounted righteous, but never “made the righteousness of God in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

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The Holy Spirit: In You or On You

Bob Yandian

The Life Is In You

The first act of the Holy Spirit in the Life of believers is to give them eternal life when they receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This transformation takes place in our spirit, not in our physical body or our soul (mind, will, and emotions). When we are born again, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside our human spirit. At that moment, we are given all of the Person of the Holy Spirit, not half of Him then and the other half at another time.

In John 14:17, Jesus tells His disciples what the ministry of the Holy Spirit would be to the Church after His resurrection.  The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

The Holy Spirit who lives in us is the same Holy Spirit who lived in Jesus when He walked this earth. Because the Holy Spirit who lived in Jesus raised Him from the dead, our New Birth - the Holy Spirit living inside us - also becomes our guarantee of resurrection. The qualification for resurrection is simply the New Birth.

 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Romans 8:11)

A believer in the Lord Jesus becomes the New Testament temple for the presence of God. The glory of God, which is the presence of the Holy Spirit, moved out of the Temple in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ death, and after Jesus’ resurrection, came to dwell in the hearts of believers. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”

The Power is Upon You

The purpose of the infilling of the Holy Spirit is to endue us with God’s power. God is not only concerned about our inward man, the human spirit, but also our outward man, our daily life. Our natural man faces the world each day and needs the power of God to overcome it. Since Satan is the god of this world and demonic forces control much of our society, we need His power for our own life, as well as to bless those around us.

When we are clothed with God’s supernatural power, we have confidence in facing any circumstance or demonic attack that comes against us. The infilling of the Holy Spirit sets us free from many of the restraints and insecurities which have held us back, even as believers.

When Lazarus was raised from the dead, he still had to be loosed from the grave clothes which hindered him. Jesus said, “Loose him, and let him go” (John 11:44). The Holy Spirit IN us gives us life, but the Holy Spirit ON us gives us power to live the Christian life. It clothes the natural life of the believer with daily miracle power from God. This miracle power is for our life as a witness before the world. It opens us up to the supernatural gifts and demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, which are so necessary to win the lost. Satan has empowered his followers in the earth, and God wants to empower us to courageously meet and defeat them.

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

On the Day of Pentecost, the 120 were praying in one place in total harmony. It was then that the infilling of the Holy Spirit became a reality, and God’s supernatural ability became available to everyone in the Church. Acts 2:3-4 says, “Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” This promise of power was not only for those in the Upper Room but for all who would believe on the Lord from that time on, Jew or Gentile (Acts 2:39).

What a Difference!

What a difference this power made in the lives of the disciples! Before the Day of Pentecost, Peter was afraid to admit he even knew Jesus to a young girl who was warming her hands at a fire. Yet, after being clothed with power by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, Peter boldly stood up and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 3000 religious Jews.

Peter’s sudden courage and dedication in presenting the Gospel did not stop there, either. A few days later, he grabbed the hand of a paralyzed man at the Gate Beautiful, and the power of God raised the man up and healed him. The disciple who once cowered before a little girl’s questions about his relationship with Jesus began to walk in such power from the Holy Spirit that his shadow caused people to be healed as he walked the streets of Jerusalem (Acts 5:15).

Is Satan any less powerful today than he was in Peter’s time? Obviously, he is not. If for no other reason than that, the same power believers needed in the Early Church is needed for believers today. Thank God, the Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons (Acts10:34). The same power Peter walked in is available to all believers today.

Even Jesus, who had the Holy Spirit within, would not begin to minister until the Holy Spirit came on Him when He was baptized by John at the Jordan River. We need our Jordan River experience today! There is a world of hurting people who are in desperate need of ministry. They do not need a list of impossible rules and empty philosophies from powerless Christians, but powerful demonstrations of the only true and living God. They want to see God in action in their lives and in believers’ lives.

For this reason, the same God Who anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power (Acts 10:38), wants to do the same for believers today!

Symbols of the Spirit (CDs)
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Life and Power (Paperback)
Symbols of the Spirit (MP3s)
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The Voices of the Tribulation

Bob Yandian

The Tribulation will occur for seven years after the Rapture of the Church. The just will go to heaven and the unjust will be left on the earth for these seven years. During this time, evangelism will explode and millions will be swept into the Kingdom of God. Those who will get saved will remain on the earth and move right into the Millennium along with all the saints who returned with Jesus from heaven.

The Tribulation is God’s final attempt with mankind to show him the folly of rejecting God. It is satan’s last effort to try to win the world over and to usher in his own kingdom. It is man’s last effort to try to save himself through uniting together in one world government, promising peace forever.

Yes, there will be many terrible things that happen, but there will be many miracles and many souls saved. The world will go from zero saved to total evangelization in seven years. Everyone will hear the gospel and will make the decision for or against Jesus. And we will be watching from heaven, like the witnesses in Hebrews 12: 1.

Psalm 2

Psalm 2 can be described as the “Voices of the Tribulation.” It can be divided up this way: verses 1-3 is the voice of the unbeliever; verses 4-6 is the voice of God the Father; verses 7-9 is the voice of Jesus, and verses 10-12 is the voice of the Holy Spirit.

“Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.’

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure: ‘Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.’

‘I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’

Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” Psalm 2: 1-12

The Voice of the Unbeliever

In verse one, we see that the heathen nations will be in a rage, an actual outrage against the Lord. Sinners believe there is a God. Most of them believe that He is just and right and that He will win out in the end. But strangely enough, many of them will fight Him to the very end. They have a rebellious attitude. But God is absolute and righteous, and one day the final line will be drawn. Then it will be too late to soften those hardened attitudes. God is going to win and those who fought all the way, fighting as if their efforts would stop God, will suddenly discover it is too late to admit their wrong attitude and change their heart.

This verse also tells us that the people will plot a vain thing. The word plot means to meditate. Meditating means to use your imagination to picture yourself in a particular situation, either good or bad. Believers discover a promise in the Word and imagine themselves in that promise - healed, prospering, guided in daily affairs. Unbelievers also use the principle, but so often they paint a picture for themselves of poverty, lack, sickness, and despair.

So what are the heathen nations meditating on in this first verse? They are trying to devise a way to rule the world without God; they want to establish one world government, solving man’s problems with man’s efforts. But God calls this vain. They are meditating on a “vain thing.”

In verse two, we see this attempt made by individuals (“kings of the earth”) and as a group (“rulers take counsel together”). Can you picture a group of intelligent men coming together to draw up a plan to overthrow God? Talk about meditating on an empty thing!

Verse three is also the voice of the unbelievers, the voice of the heathen leaders. They are saying that salvation by faith isn’t necessary; they have their own religion. Everything the Bible teaches will be cast away at it says in the second half of that verse. They will have total disregard for all that Christianity represents.

The Voice of God

What does God think about all this? His voice is heard in verses four through six. Notice in verse four that God laughs about this foolishness. As the leaders of the world are gathering to overthrow God and nullify salvation by faith, God just begins to laugh. He is literally mocking or making fun of them.

The next verse tells us what God does when He is finished laughing. His wrath rises up against the heathen nations. During the Tribulation not only does Satan display his wrath, but God pours out His wrath also. It will be one of the most intense times the earth has ever encountered. During the Church Age, God is holding back His wrath. He is operating in grace. God never pours out His wrath on His children. He disciplines them in love, not in wrath. But when we are all taken to heaven and only the heathen are left on the earth, God’s wrath will be displayed.

Have you thought you can run your own life? That makes God laugh. Will you have to face His wrath? Not if you have accepted Jesus Christ. There was a day that God poured out His wrath on His son Jesus. So when we accept Jesus as Our Savior and Lord, we can enter into God’s favor and we can be assured we will never have to face His wrath.

Even during the Tribulation, a time of God’s wrath, we can still see His patience and love demonstrated. Verse six tells us this. In verse six, God the Father refers to His Son as the means of salvation. Jesus is the king set on the holy mountain, elevated for all men to see.

The Voice of Jesus

Now in verse seven Jesus begins to speak. He quotes His Father first of all. Why is Jesus qualified to be the king on that holy mountain? He came through the virgin birth; He was born without blemish that all mankind has. He was born without the nature of the flesh. Therefore He was qualified to be the redeemer of the world, Jesus as a man is superior to all men. God the Father had begotten Jesus so He could redeem us.

In verse eight, we find another qualification of Jesus: He was obedient to the death on the cross to purchase our redemption. There Jesus reconciled man to God and all the heathen became His inheritance.

Jesus tells us in verse seven what God the Father told Him in the cradle, and in verse eight, what God the Father told Him at the cross. God told Jesus to ask Him for the heathen as an inheritance. And Jesus received that inheritance as the Son of God.

The last verse of the voice of Jesus is verse nine. It refers to a future event when Jesus will prove Himself to be the only one qualified to stand on the hill of Zion because He is going to come and judge the unrighteous. Those kings and rulers in the first three verses will look like fragile pottery next to Jesus, whose truth is as strong as iron in comparison. They will just crumble; all their boasting and mighty efforts will be as dust.

The Voice of the Holy Spirit

In the final three verses of Psalm 2 we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. These words are not only directed toward the heathen leaders during the time of the Tribulation, but they are also directed toward us today. Today is the day of salvation. Don’t wait until the Tribulation to heed the words of the Holy Spirit. Why wait until the Tribulation to heed the words of the Holy Spirit? Why wait when peace and eternal life can be yours right now? So in verse ten, we are admonished to be wise and be instructed.

Notice what comes next. In verse 11 the voice of the Holy Spirit admonishes us to “serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” You can’t serve (verse 11) until you are instructed (verse 10). Find out what God wants you to do, then serve Him respectfully and diligently.

A better translation of “trembling” is the word anticipation. The second half of verse eleven tells us to rejoice with anticipation. Why? Because redemption is drawing near. What are we anticipating? The Rapture of the Church. The fact that Jesus is coming back for His own. During the Tribulation, those who get saved will be anticipating the Millennium, when Jesus returns to rule the earth with peace for a thousand years. That is when all the unrighteous will be shattered like pottery; they will be sorted out and thrown away like bad fish from the net.

How can you serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with anticipation? The final verse of Psalm 2, verse twelve, tells us how: “Kiss the Son.” What does a kiss represent? It represents trust in that person. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. He will never let you down. A kiss, also, represents surrender. Jesus is going to have the victory quit fighting and join the winning side; join Jesus. Finally, a kiss means desire. Jesus desires you greatly and He longs for you to desire Him. Surrender to Him and discover His desire for you.

Salvation has been the same, whether in the Old Testament or the New Testament. It is by making peace with Jesus, or “kissing the Son.” Jesus is the object of salvation.

End Times (Flash Drive)
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The Antichrist (MP3s)
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Understanding the End Times (CDs)
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Our Anchor of Hope

Bob Yandian

Hope is not wishful thinking, “Well, I hope so.”  It is not “pie in the sky hope”, which Frank Sinatra sang of, impossible expectations. It is also not a desperate attempt to cover the torments of life. Niche said, “hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man.”

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