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The Power in a Seed

Bible Topics

The Power in a Seed

Bob Yandian

We want our tithes and offerings to have eternal value, so how do we bring the life of the Holy Spirit into our giving?  Throughout the Word of God, giving is compared to sowing seed.  For example, in 2 Corinthians 9:6 it says, “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”

This verse is simply saying, when we withhold from giving, it will lead to poverty, but when we give generously, it will lead to great prosperity.  God wants us to know, when we’re generous in His kingdom, the Holy Spirit energizes our tithes and offerings and brings a generous return.  Just as one seed planted in good soil grows into a larger plant and produces many seeds, our giving brings multiplied prosperity to us.

Money has the ability to reproduce, both naturally and supernaturally.  We can invest money wisely today and get back more money tomorrow by natural means.  Money has seed potential.  But only when energized by the Holy Spirit does it have a supernatural potential and eternal value.  Nowhere in this earth can we plant and have a miraculous return except in the kingdom of God.

The same eternal life that was imparted to us at the new birth can be imparted into our offering.  You may ask, “Eternal life into finances?”  Yes!  The financial seed we plant into the gospel not only comes up through our lifetime, but keeps producing into the next generation and eternally in heaven.

Many people over the years have given into ministries such as Billy Graham’s.  Thousands of people have been saved through his ministry, and they have in turn led others to the Lord.  Therefore, the people who gave their finances to support Billy Graham’s ministry are still seeing a return on their investment, even if they have gone on to be with the Lord!

Offerings have the ability to keep on working long after we are gone, just like natural seeds planted in the past.  When we plant a seed from a pear, that seed eventually grows into a pear tree.  Then year after year, that pear tree will produce pears and the seeds from those pears will produce more pear trees and more pears.

From planting one little seed, a tremendous amount of fruit is produced over many years.  In the same way, the finances we sow into God’s kingdom today will produce much fruit.

God's Heart for Giving (Paperback)
Finances (Flash Drive)
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