Understanding the End Times - Special Offer
The study of end times is one of the most incredible doctrines in the Word of God that can bring peace and comfort in the day in which we live. The Bible says that we are to encourage and exhort one another with the teaching that Jesus is returning for His saints. This comprehensive and exciting series will give you a thorough understanding of end times events.
Topics Include:
The Seven Dispensations, The Dispensation of The Mystery, The Rapture of the Church Part 1, The Rapture of the Church Part 2, The Judgment Seat of Christ, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Part 1, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Part 2, The Temple Discourse (Matt 21-23), The Olivet Discourse (Matt 24-25), Seven Years of The Tribulation, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, The Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ