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New Testament Commentary Volume 1 (Hardback)

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New Testament Commentary Volume 1 (Hardback)

Sale Price:$34.99 Original Price:$39.99

New Testament Commentary, Volume 1, Matthew-John and Harmony

Authors: Stanley M. Horton, Th. D., Ralph W. Harris, M.A., and Thoralf Gilbrant

• Overviews and Introductions. To help provide context, each book begins with important historical information and a comprehensive outline.

• Verse-by-Verse Commentary. It’s like having a renowned Bible scholar at your side, pointing out new discoveries and deeper meanings. You will be challenged to search the scriptures as never before.

• Various Translations. In addition to the King James translation, every verse includes several additional translations, providing a broader meaning to the original text and a better understanding of each verse. Over 70 different translations are used.

• The Harmony of the Gospels. No bible library is complete without a Gospel harmony, a parallel comparison of all four Gospels: Included with the King James version of the harmony is a modern English Diatessaron which interweaves the four Gospels into a single text (Included in volume one).

For many decades, thousands of ministers, church leaders, students and laypeople have revolutionized their Bible study using the New Testament volumes of The Complete Biblical Library, an unparalleled source of world-class commentary and Bible translations. Although out of print since 2001, this combined effort of 360 scholars from 11 countries and 30 different denominational backgrounds has continued to be a valuable but rare resource.

1360 Pages

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