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Life in the Spirit New Testament Commentary (Hardback)

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Life in the Spirit New Testament Commentary (Hardback)

Sale Price:$39.99 Original Price:$49.99

New Testament
Commentary (2016 Edition)
Editors: French L. Arrington, Ph.D. and Roger Stronstad

The Life in the Spirit New Testament Commentary is the first one-volume commentary to present a distinctly Spirit-filled perspective on the New Testament. If you are a Pentecostal, charismatic, or empowered evangelical Christian, this is one resource you will consult often for authoritative insights into the Scriptures.

Writing with expertise and scholarly precision, the contributors represent Spirit-filled theology at its best, uniting scriptural knowledge with spiritual fire. This one-of-a-kind volume is a perfect companion to the award-winning, best-selling Life in the Spirit Study Bible—or your favorite Bible, regardless of translation. You will find:

• Detailed instructions to each book of the New Testament, giving you an understanding of the book’s purpose and the context in which it was written.

• In-depth commentary that will deepen your grasp of the scriptures and strengthen your faith.

• Numerous maps, photos, and tables to visually enhance your learning.

• In-text Scripture references to the New International Version, as well as NIV New Testament text in its entirety throughout the commentary.

Although out of print since 2001, this combined effort of 360 scholars from 11 countries and 30 different denominational backgrounds has continued to be a valuable but rare resource.

1728 Pages


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