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Christian Living

The Sin unto Death and the Unpardonable Sin

Bob Yandian

Today I will teach out of one of my newest books, the "Epistles of John Commentary". I know it's going to be a great blessing to you. Let’s talk about what the Bible has to say about the sin unto death. This has become a major problem because most Christians don't understand it. I’ll explain to you the difference between the unpardonable sin, and the sin unto death.

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Sins and Trespasses

Bob Yandian

The difference between a sin and unrighteousness is knowing what we have done, what we have committed. A sin is something we know we have done, a known sin. Unrighteousness is committed in ignorance, an unknown sin. Since we cannot confess an unknown sin, we did not know it was a sin when we committed it, it is not held against us.

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Liberating Your Faith

Bob Yandian

How much faith do you need to meet your needs? The biggest miracle you ever received and will ever receive is the new birth. The little amount of faith you used to believe in Jesus as your Lord, moved you from Satan’s kingdom into God’s, from spiritual death into eternal life, and from satanic darkness into the kingdom of light.

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Supernatural Witnessing

Bob Yandian

The infilling of the Holy Spirit has many benefits, blessings, and uses attached to it.  Speaking with tongues connects us to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and boosts our sensitivity to hear the voice of God for scriptural revelation, guidance, receive spiritual rest and refreshment, and operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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5 Rhetorical Questions

Bob Yandian

Romans 8 verses 31 through 35 are rhetorical questions.  The answers to rhetorical questions are so simple and logical you already know them. 

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Romans 8:31

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As the Spirit Wills

Bob Yandian

Jesus said, “You’re right! You’ve had five husbands, and the one you’re living with now is not your husband” (John 4:16-18 paraphrase). That really grabbed her attention! Jesus was flowing in the gift of the word of knowledge.

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Get Back on Track

Bob Yandian

When I speak in minister’s conferences, I usually get a pastor or Bible teacher ask me to explain Hebrews 6:1-6. On the surface it is difficult, but once understood, it is some of the simplest and freeing verses in the New Testament concerning our salvation and growth in the Christian life. If only read, it seems to indicate that it is rather simple to lose our salvation then impossible to get it back again. “For it is impossible…if they fall away to renew them again to repentance” (vs. 4 and 6).

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He Could Not Pay

Bob Yandian

Jesus told the parable in Matthew 18:23-34 of a wealthy businessman who took account of his workers and found one who owed him fifteen million dollars. He brought the man to him and demanded payment.

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Be Renewed in Mind

Bob Yandian

“Put off” means to “remove as clothing.” (See Colossians 3:8-10.) God will not do this for you, you are to do it yourself. God always gives you the information with which to gain strength, but you are to take God’s gifts and use them yourself. When it comes to imitating God in this earth and walking as Jesus would, you do it. Then, to keep strong and not fall back into the sin, “be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”

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The Labor of Love

Bob Yandian

We hear it said, the things that come the hardest in life become the most precious to us. As a Christian, I believe this is true. Jesus paid an incredible price for my freedom, trusting I would one day choose to return His love and be His servant and friend. The sacrifice He made to have a relationship with me makes my relationship with Him all the more precious – and the first priority in my life.

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Praise in Church

Bob Yandian

I was asked to be a guest on a minister’s television show and was asked the question as a pastor, “why is worship necessary? I don’t like worship and prefer to go right into the teaching of the word?” I responded and said, “What good is plowing the ground before you plant the seed?” No wonder David told us to “enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise” (Psalm 100:4).

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The Two You’s

Bob Yandian

The reason God warned Adam and Eve of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was because it was the only test of their free will. There were millions of yes trees and only one no tree. If they ate of the no tree, it would become part of their physical makeup, enter into their very being.

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A Grateful Heart

Bob Yandian

We used to sing a praise song for many years, “give thanks with a grateful heart.”  I thought it was a scripture but found out it wasn’t. But it does have a lot of scriptural truth in it.  It is not just enough to give thanks. We can become mechanical in our words of prayer, such as over a meal, or also in our praise life.  

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God's Purpose for Making Money

Bob Yandian

Your riches will increase in this life and will also remain throughout the ages to come. Your insight into the Word of God will increase and you will gain friends (converts) with the world’s money. Those souls which were won through your giving will welcome you into heaven for all eternity.

No other investment plan can compare with God’s plan, because the world has no wisdom that compares to God’s wisdom!

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A Prayer for Stability

Bob Yandian

This prayer from Paul is for all believers who are living in the end times. We are not only in the last days, but in the last of the last days. The last days began on the Day of Pentecost and brought on a whole new meaning to Peter’s sermon quoting Joel’s prophecy, “it shall come to pass in the last days” (Acts 2:17,18).

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Prosperity in Everything You Do

Bob Yandian

Have you ever wondered why God made Heaven’s streets out of gold or built the foundations of the heavenly city out of diamonds, rubies and other precious gems?  The answer is so obvious that it is easily missed – in Heaven there is no place to cash in the gold or gems or to spend money, so why not use them for building materials!

However, on earth we can spend gold. It is God’s will that we have it to spend.  He wants us to be financially prosperous so that we can use our wealth to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 2)

God’s ultimate will is that our soul prospers and then, as God can trust us with His riches, our outward man will also prosper and walk in divine health.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

God’s plan is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but that it is a growing process.  In this process we move from the good to the acceptable, and finally, to the perfect will of God by the renewing of our minds.  This growth is similar to the seeds which are sown into the ground and produce some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred-fold return. “…blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.” (Psalms 112:1)

The Blessings

Psalms 112 is a commentary on the blessings that will come to the one who renews their mind with the Word.

The first blessing is found in verse 2: “His descendants will be mighty on the earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” The point of this blessing is that financial prosperity is meaningless if your children are ungodly and will squander your wealth. Satan preys upon young people so that godly parents will have no one godly to inherit their wealth and blessings. By patiently waiting to destroy the next generation, Satan can steal all that God has given us. This is why it is imperative that we instruct our children in the Word of God.

The second blessing is found in verse 3. “Wealth and riches will be in his house and his righteousness endures forever.” Notice that righteousness endures forever. It is passed from generation to generation so that those who have the riches will also have the strength and abilities necessary to handle and keep them.

Prosperity Involves Giving

Verse four tells us of another part of prosperity. “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness; he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.” This “light in the darkness” is the guidance God gives us in Satan’s dark world. This includes what to do with our families. What to do in the affairs of life, as well as what to do with our finances. The reason this man is prosperous in verse four is because he is a giver at heart. The ultimate goal of prosperity is not self-gain, but to be able to be a giver to those in need.

This idea is carried into verse five. “A good man deals graciously and lends; he will guide his affairs with discretion.” “A good man deals graciously…” As God has graced you, you are able to grace others. As God’s nature of love and mercy comes inside you, it should become your nature to reach out as He does and bless others no matter what they look like, live like, or act like. You love them simply because it your nature to love.

Discretion means “judgment.” Good judgment is another facet of prosperity. This enables you to assess, evaluate, and judge the affairs of life so that you can maintain all the blessings God has give you.


Verse six says, “Surely he will never be shaken; the righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.” In the times of testing, we will not be shaken or moved away from God’s Word. This makes us victorious every time.

“…the righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.” Prosperity encompasses the righteous man’s being remembered after he dies. Because of his righteousness, people will desire to understand what he had in life. Because of this, he will leave an everlasting remembrance on this earth.

Wisdom and Patience

Whereas verse six is speaking of standing fast in times of testing, verse seven is telling of how to deal with evil tidings. “He will not be afraid of evil tidings'; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” When calamity strikes, outward prosperity is of little consequence and often is impotent. However, the key to overcoming calamity is to keep your heart fixed and steady on the Word of God.

From Just Enough to Overflowing (Paperback)
A Time To Prosper (MP3s)
A Time to Prosper (CDs)
Copyright © Bob Yandian Ministries. All Rights Reserved.