Grace for Growth: The Beatitudes (CDs) — Bob Yandian Ministries

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Grace for Growth: The Beatitudes (CDs)


Grace for Growth: The Beatitudes (CDs)

Sale Price:$35.00 Original Price:$42.00

The Beatitudes are actually the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and serve as a table of contents for the sermon. They are divided into two sections: taking in and putting out the Word of God—being both hearers and doers of God’s Word. Bob Yandian explores the Beatitudes found in Matthew chapter 5, verses 3 through 12 and thoroughly describes the progression found in these verses corresponding to our walk with and maturing in the Lord.

Sermon Titles:

The Poor in Spirit

Those Who Mourn

Who Are the Meek?

A Hunger for Righteousness

Seeds of Mercy


Blessed in Persecution

7 CDs

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