Understanding Your Authority in Christ (CD's) — Bob Yandian Ministries

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Understanding Your Authority in Christ (CD's)


Understanding Your Authority in Christ (CD's)

Sale Price:$24.00 Original Price:$30.00

This series provides a scriptural definition of what your authority in Christ is, and how and when to use it. Understanding and using our authority is the difference between living a defeated Christian life and walking with Jesus in victory and joy.

God has given us the authority over the works of the enemy. Jesus has gone to heaven, but He has given us the power of attorney.  When we use His name, it is just as if Jesus is here himself giving us that authority. 

Understanding Your Authority in Christ is a compilation of teachings on the authority of the believer. This subject is explored from the aspects of prayer, healing, and victory in the Christian Life.

Message Titles:

Understanding Authority, Authority in Two Worlds, Power of Attorney, What Does it Mean to Bind and Loose?, Never Fight Alone

5 CD’s

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