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Who Is King Saul To Us?

Bible Characters

Who Is King Saul To Us?

Bob Yandian

Who Is King Saul To Us?

Saul is a great example to church leaders and pastors.  Many we have seen who had great personalities, people skills, and popularity, yet failed. They depended on their own gifts and never developed a personal relationship with God, the Holy Spirit, and an understanding of God’s word. Many characters of the Bible are there to be followed after and many, like Saul, are given as a warning of coming failure. David teaches us more of what to do and Saul, more of what not to do.

Saul’s failures are warnings to us to check ourselves regularly to see if we are maintaining a spiritual walk with God or straying off the path of righteousness. Failure begins with minor mistakes which are not corrected.

Saul’s Person and Character

Saul was raised by his father Kish in a wealthy home. Although he was a believer in the Lord, he was ignorant concerning spiritual matters. He lacked for nothing financially and was highly educated but depended on his finances and education for his success. Most of his life was spent in carnality, giving lip service to God and to Samuel the prophet who helped to teach him spiritual issues.

At the time God chose Saul to be Israel’s first king, Saul was a humble and shy young man in public. You might be asking why God would choose someone He knows will one day desert the godly principles needed in a leader of His people, Israel. God does not hold a person accountable today for their future mistakes.

Nicolas was a member in the New Testament church at Jerusalem and was chosen with six others to become the first deacons (Acts 6). He is known in church history as the young man who later began the evil doctrine of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:15). Yet, in becoming a deacon in the church in Jerusalem, he was chosen by the people, and cleared by the church leaders who prayed before putting him into the office of deacon. Like Saul, God did not hold Nicolas accountable on that day for mistakes he would make later.

Saul Became Self-Centered More Than God-Centered

Saul was easily jealous of others and demanded to be the center of attention whether he was right or wrong. Instead of being grateful for the understanding of those who around him he shunned or even removed them from his sight. 

He later became very jealous of David who was comfortable in himself and secure in his relationship with God. Because of this, David became popular with the people of Jerusalem and hated by king Saul.

God Intended Samuel To Be Saul’s Spiritual Guide

“All Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord.  (1 Samuel 3:20)

Everyone in Israel knew who Samuel the prophet was, except Saul and his father, Kish. Their relationship with God was not that important to them. Being known by the right people and a position in society was. But, at the time, Saul had a teachable heart and God had already chosen him to the be first king of Israel. God told Samuel Saul’s name and that He had chosen him for king.

In 1 Samuel 9:6, Saul’s personal servant lost his way one day and told Saul about Samuel the prophet, the seer. He suggested to Saul that they find him and ask him for directions. Saul’s servant knew who Samuel was, but Saul did not. Saul asked him to tell him who Samuel was if they met him. Yet, when Saul met Samuel, he did not know him.

“Then Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate, and said, “Please tell me, where is the seer’s house?”

Samuel answered Saul and said, “I am the seer. Go up before me to the high place, for you shall eat with me today; and tomorrow I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart.”  (1 Samuel 9:18-19)

Saul Was Given a New Heart by the Lord

“When he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart; and all those signs came to pass that day.”  (1 Samuel 10:9)

Although Saul was given a new heart, he did not develop a strong relationship with the Lord or with the word. God’s gifts are strengthened and developed by a closeness to God, the Holy Spirit and knowledge of God’s promises. Like the new birth, it is only the beginning, not the end.  We need to come to a full knowledge of the word of God for success. Saul was truly a convert to the Lord but never became a disciple. He was not led by his new heart, but a desire to be popular and always accepted by the people.

Saul Knew of the Power of the Holy Spirit

After being anointed with oil to be king and given another heart from the Lord, he was included as one of the prophets and set in the office of king. Saul was chosen by God though God knew of his future failures. At the time Saul was chosen, he had a heart toward God, but never developed into a true godly king. He remained a carnal believer. It is possible to be in the full-time ministry, called and anointed by God to fulfill the office, yet become and remain carnal. Saul forfeited his call by God to be the king. He recognized his mistakes but never learned from them.

David, the next king, made large mistakes in his life and rulership, but learned from each one of them. He was quick to repent when he sinned and left a legacy as the greatest king Israel ever had next to Jesus Himself.

Saul Contrasted to David

Saul knew little of the word of God and lived off experiences. He was quick to repent but learned nothing from his mistakes. He never developed into a quality believer and king for Israel. Yet God put David under Saul to learn. David probably learned more about what not to do than what to do. Even at times, David’s men coerced him to kill Saul when he had the chance, yet David knew God placed Saul in office and it would have to be God who removed him. It was not David’s right to take God’s matters into his own hands.

When David acted righteously toward Saul’s unrighteousness and arrogance, David left matters in God’s hands. Saul recognized this and at times became remorseful and momentarily repentant.

“Then Saul said, “I have sinned. Return, my son David. For I will harm you no more, because my life was precious in your eyes this day. Indeed I have played the fool and erred exceedingly”  (1 Samuel 26:21).

This was a nice promise Saul gave to David, but he never kept it. David remained Saul’s enemy until the day Saul and his sons died.

Saul was legalistic, outwardly moral, but filled with mental sins. Saul had gifts of God’s power but no fruit, no moral character. Saul is typical of many today who claim to move in God’s gifts but have many moral shortcomings in their life.

Many of the great moral failures in the body of Christ have come from those who claim to have heard from the Holy Spirit, but their lives defy and contradict the word of God or even spiritual common sense.

We need the balance of the word of God and the Holy Spirit in our lives. Samuel and David had a balance of both, Saul did not. We are told in Hebrews 6:12 to follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Although we can learn from Saul, he is certainly not one we would imitate. Samuel and David displayed the fruit of both faith and patience and should be high on our list of faith heroes to follow.

Saul needed others to balance out his spiritual life, but hated and became jealous of them once he found them.  The two major ones were Samuel and David.

Without a love for God and people, the gifts of the Spirit are as banging gongs or brash sounding cymbals (1 Corinthians 13:1). 

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