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Theology Simplifed 2

Now Available! Pastor Bob Yandian’s latest book, Theology Simplified Volume 2!

Are you struggling to understand the deeper meaning of scripture? Discover the simplicity of God’s plan with renowned Bible teacher, Bob Yandian, in his new book, "Theology Simplified Volume 2."

In his clear and relatable style, Bob unveils eight key theological concepts, including faith for salvation, the fall of man, and the advocacy ministry of Jesus Christ. Unlock the treasures of your redemption, understand God’s perfect timing, and embrace your place in His triumphant Church.

Shake off the confusion of academic doctrine and experience a new depth of understanding that will forever change your walk with God.

Available as a paperback book, book bundle with Volume 1, or the video curriculum on flash drive (below.) Also available as an eBook and audiobook from all major platforms (Search the book title.)

Theology Simplified Volume 2 (Paperback)
Theology Simplified Book Bundle
Sale Price: $30.00 Original Price: $34.00


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