Where Do I Fit? (CDs) — Bob Yandian Ministries

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Where Do I Fit? (CDs)

Where Do I Fit? (CDs)


Have you been struggling to find your place in the body of Christ? One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is to find the place God has called you to in the body. Some have gone years never discovering that place, but this is not God’s will. Just as your elbows, knees, and feet didn’t take years to find and function in their place in your physical body, neither do you have to wait years to discover your place in the body of Christ. This simple but powerful teaching will help you discover God’s call and purpose for your life to empower you to function where you belong in the body of Christ.

Sermon Titles:

Your Individual Calling
Where Do I Begin?
You Have a Destiny
The Gifts and Callings

4 CDs

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