Life Beyond Miracles (CDs)
Life Beyond Miracles (CDs)
God's desire is for His children to focus on Him rather than being preoccupied with their needs. When we prioritize God's kingdom and righteousness, blessings naturally follow, overtaking us as we walk in obedience. Unlike miracles, which are sporadic and temporary, blessings have the potential to be eternal and generational, impacting not just our lives but also the lives of those around us and future generations.
While miracles have their place, God’s greater plan is for His children to live in a state of continuous blessing—a life that not only meets our needs but also enables us to be a blessing to others. By seeking God first, we align ourselves with His best, ensuring a life enriched with His ongoing, overflowing blessings.
Message Titles:
Miracles and Blessings
Pass the Blessings
Blessings, Blessings, Everywhere
3 CDs