Jonah - Nahum (CDs)
Jonah - Nahum (CDs)
The books of Jonah and Nahum were written to the nation of Nineveh. The nation of Nineveh was the fiercest enemy of the nation of Israel.
God sent Jonah to Nineveh to give the message to repent because the time of its destruction was near. The hearts of the people were ripe and ready to receive the word from God. The people repented and the judgement was held off.
150 years later Nineveh turned from the ways of God again and this time it was Nahum who was sent to give the message to repent. They were given another chance to repent but did not and the nation was destroyed.
The books of Jonah and Nahum are an example of the grace and mercy of our heavenly Father. God always sends grace and mercy before He sends judgment. We receive the message, we are given choices to heed the message and if we do and turn towards the ways of God, God is always going to respond with mercy.
8 CDs