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Acts Sale

Sale Ended 4/10/18


The Book of Acts (Flash Drive)

This USB flash drive contains 46 MP3 audio lessons, and Bob Yandian’s personal study notes on PDF.  A verse by verse teaching of the book of Acts.  The book of Acts is about the history of the churches such as Collosse and Corinth and others.  It is the transitional book between the ministry of Jesus and the beginning of the Church.  

46 MP3’s, 1 PDF

The MP3s can be listened to on computers, MP3 players, smartphones, tablets, iPads, iPhones, as well as car stereos equipped with USB connections.

Acts (CDs)
Sale Price: $188.00 Original Price: $276.00

This series is a verse by verse teaching of the book of Acts.

46 CDs

Acts Commentary (Paperback)

On the day of Pentecost, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and power to his followers. So dawned the church age. Led from then on by His Spirit, believers blazed a trail through a dangerous maze of pagan cultures and religious legalism. The gospel spread like wildfire through the known world, bringing salvation to an entire generation and trial and triumph to believers of the Way.

Verse by verse, Bob Yandian outlines the exploits of men like Stephan, Peter, and Paul, men hailed both as gods and heretics, bent on uprooting the binding vines of religion and philosophy to plant the kingdom of God. From honest appraisals of the early congregations to detailed descriptions of the cities Paul evangelized, Yandian walks readers through the thoroughly exciting and perilous adventures of the early church.

359 Pages


Acts (MP3s)
Sale Price: $65.00 Original Price: $138.00

This series is a verse by verse teaching of the book of Acts.

46 MP3s / MNT10

Copyright © Bob Yandian Ministries. All Rights Reserved.